Sunday 9th March

Got up at 6.30 having slept really well again. Had shower and took Suki out to Parke for an hour.  When I got back Lee and Emma were up so we all had porridge again.  I went ringing and to Holy Communion.  Bob announced that police report on Gavin death showed accident or misadventure and they did not think it was suicide, which is something of a comfort.  When I got back Emma had taken dogs out for long walk. Lee had cleared all round the pond and was clearing out the water gunnel Jack built.  I cooked all the sausages from Trago to make sandwiches for lunch.  Lee and Emma deferred until later so I had one for lunch.  Went to see Mary in the afternoon.  Lee and Emma took the dogs to the pub in the evening.  I went over to Exeter and rang handbells with Tim, Lynne and Barrie Hendry.  It was nice to see Barrie again.  We had intended to go for a peal of Yorkshire but in the end we just practiced Yorkshire all evening - about half way through Tim asked me to swop with Lynne as I wasn't making a very good job of ringing 3-4.  We eventually rang a QP by the end of the evening.

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