Devon trip - last before Christmas

Realised that this trip I will have to order Christmas turkey etc as next time it will be Christmas.  Can't believe it - where does the time go?

12th - Saw Mike off to work, took suki for a short walk, had a shower and set off just after 9.30 - arriving at 1 pm.  I had fruit medley, banana and sandwiches with me which kept me going and off the sweets.  Spent a couple of hours doing the post whilst having a cup of tea.  Opened my birthday present from Jayne and promptly burst into tears.  Another beautiful horse,

a brilliant picture which looked just like suki,

and another fleece. Such thoughtful presents - and I was already feeling a bit sad that she was not here.  Had to put all the clocks back.  Then went up to the moor for a shortish walk from the small car park, and called in to see Mary afterwards - so felt I had achieved a lot! Expected Bill King in the evening to do the cupboards but he didn't turn up.  After text communications we rescheduled for the next morning.  Nothing much on TV so went to be and had an early night, but took a long time to go to sleep.  Was pleased to have had an alcohol free day!

13th - Billl King came about 9 am and made an excellent job of finishing off the cupboards - they look really good and so much neater than the old shelf that was there.

When he had gone I took Suki up to Haytor in the morning, even though the weather was very stormy (storm Abigail).  There was a beautiful double rainbow over the moor when we got there.  Parked in bottom car park - there was only one other car when we got there.  The rain was lashing down, and the wind was howling as I got out of the car, but almost immediately it stopped raining and the sun came out, with accompanying blue skies.  The ice cream van looked hopelessly out of place in the top car park, it was cold and bleak up there, but I saw when I got back that they also do hot soup and tea so not quite so crazily optimistic as I had thought.

There were a lot more cars and people around at the end of the walk - presumably because the sun was out.  After the walk I went to town and posted parcel to Jayne, plus other parcels etc which was a good job done.  Then went and ordered the meat for Christmas, and for the end of the week (Cantanti lunch) and did a few bits and pieces.  Greengrocer lady gave me two bakewell tarts which had gone slightly out of date because she knew I liked them so much.  But I am trying to lose weight!!  Rang handbells with Tim in the evening.  I met Lynne at the bus stop in Cowick Lane and then drove us both to West Raddon where Sue lives.  We rang two quarter peals of Yorkshire Royal, which was good practice.  Made for quite a late night though.  Another alcohol free day!

14th - rain pouring down when I got up - and continued to rain heavily all day!  Went to Dartmouth and met up with Lee and Emma, and the dogs Neville and Beau.  They got in the car and we drove up to park at the Castle then went for a walk down to a lovely little cove and walked on the beach for while.  I left my phone in the car so couldn't take photos, which was a shame.  Then we walked into town and had lunch in a dog-friendly hotel before walking back to the car.  Took them back to the flat and we had a coffee before Suki and I headed home.  It was really great to see them again and Suki enjoyed playing with her mates again.  I gave them the bakewell tarts - very noble!

When I got in I got everything ready for a planned home pedicure.  I got the footbath out and filled it with hot water and bubble bath, and got towel, clippers etc etc ready.  Got the laptop set up with an episode of George Gently, placed my feet in the footbath and then suki decided to jump up behind me and go to sleep spread out on the cushion.  So instead of relaxing I spent the whole time on the edge of the chair, trying to get comfortable, with suki snoring gently behind me.  Not quite the experience I had planned!

On Sunday 15th I got up early and took Suki for the short loop walk up the hill and back by the bridleway, fed her, made myself a cup of tea in thermal mug and was just about to leave for church when Suki threw up on the hall carpet.  Went to 8 am at Chudleigh and then to ringing at Bovey.  Took my Christmas shoebox to Bovey - bit of a challenge wrapping lid and box separately as the lid was hinged!  After ringing took Suki on the Trough Lane, Shaptor Woods, Slade Cross, Lustleigh back road, Parke route.  I remembered to use the App to map it - 6.6 miles in 2.44 mins.  I was quite pleased with only taking 22 mins to get to the gate at the top of Trough Lane and will look to improve on that.  Had a quiet afternoon and then at 5 the handbell ringers came round and we rang a long length (2160) of Yorkshire Royal.  They left about 7 and I settled down with a steak and a small glass of wine to another episode of George Gently.  Then an early night with a hot drink and an episode of River.

Suki and I were out of sync on Monday 16th.  I got up at 7 am but was relaxed about going out whereas Suki kept lying by the front door.  She had growly tummy syndrome today so when we did finally get out she did a lot of grazing, and was not really interested in food.  We went to the Plantation and had a good wallow in the mud for about an hour.  Discovered my left welly leaked.  Went to Trago and bought new wellies, and new bulbs for the living room lights.  Spent some time looking at wall lights for London, but although there were lots on display they had very little stock!  Went to Co-op and stocked up then went back home, at which point Suki ate her breakfast.  I took her out again for a short walk in Parke at 2.45 in order to be back by 4 for the man from Moorlands who came round and took Jayne's battery away.  He was half an hour late so it was too late to go and see Mary as I had intended so I decided to start the 2014 Christmas Card project - ticking off the cards received and getting the address list ready for 2015. Went for a drink with Bob and Barry after ringing practice.  Man in pub needed a phone charger and I offered my portable one - but didn't remember until I was walking home that you have to hold the on button for a few seconds to start it, so it wasn't much help.

Got up early Tuesday morning as a busy one in store.  Took Suki for a walk then went into town to pick up bracelet.  Jeweler had made angel charm from melted down gold necklace given to me by Dad many years ago.  He also made a heart with the bits left over.  The necklace was very worn and would have cost over #500 to restore.  I was very pleased with the charms - the angel wings are curved forward in a hug and the charm has the word "Dad" engraved on it.

In the afternoon storm Barney was raging and the wind was gusting a lot.  Went to Bovey Valley woods - hoping that any loose branches etc would already have blown down by then. Went to see Mary on the way back - she was under the hair drier but was soon out. In the evening went over to Lyn's at Dawlish for handbells. Went to Newton Abbot then Teignmouth ignoring Satnav until then - and pointed the satnav at no 3 East Cliff Road so that it brought me in at the bottom.  This worked brilliantly and for the first time I arrived without being totally freaked out.  We rang a QP of 6xspliced - I was pretty solid which was reassuring.  Then we practiced Bristol for a bit with me on 3-4 (but coursing after the first lead).

Got up early on Wednesday too and went up on the moor, even though it was still very windy.  Extremely windy on the top - but it was great battling the wind and had a great walk. I could hardly open the car door in the car park the wind was so strong.  Went into town in the car and parked in De Tracey Park which worked well.  Got some birthday cards and ordered cherry pies for cantanti lunch.  Had take away latte from flying pig with millionaire shortbread in the car before going off to Exeter for handbells.  Spent an hour practising Bristol - this time with me on the trebles.  Had a somewhat unproductive afternoon - watched two episodes of George Gently - but it was good to be so relaxed. Had an early night with another episode of River.

Got up early yet again on Thursday 19th to put out rubbish and recycling.  Attached numbers to the food bin and paper bag.  Very wet and drizzled all morning.  Walked into town with Suki to post cards then walked to Parke - out for about an hour.  Much more productive day thereafter.  Did washing, ironing, turned up craghopper trousers (been waiting for over a year for that) etc.  Took Suki to Plantation in the afternoon. Went to handbells at Moretonhampstead in the evening - a really enjoyable evening again.  I rang duplicate bells at the top and also recorded their version of "Ding Dong".

On Friday I had a lie-in.  There had been a tentative plan to go out walking with Jackie today, but she was too busy with decorating, electricians, kitchens etc so I had the whole day free.  When I finally went out in the car discovered immediately that the back tyre was flat.  So walked Suki from the house and rang the mobile tyre man.  Waited in all afternoon for him - he finally turned up at 4.20 and replaced the back tyre (which had a large staple in it - goodness knows how I managed to pick that up) and also checked the pressure in the other tyres. Another 80.  I have bought 6 tyres this year! It was nearly dark when I went out with Suki so we did a circular walk along Le Molay and up Fore Street.  Had an early night with hot drink, finished off the red wine and watched last episode of River.

Got up early on Saturday morning and did the usual going home stuff - washing etc.  Took Suki up to the moor for a final walk.  There was a light smattering of snow on the tops and Suki delighted in rolling in it.  It was bright and sunny with blue sky but very cold.  Walked up from far car park over Saddle Tor then down to the tramway back through the quarry but contoured round the right hand side of HayTor and contoured back down to gain the public footpath back to the car.  This was a good route as it obviated the need to go up and over the two tors between HayTor and the car park.  Took Suki back and went into town to pick up meat, veg and cherry pies for Cantanti lunch the next day. I also got some nice cheeses from Manns and ordered a Christmas pudding. Then packed the car and left at about 12.30 pm.

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