October in Devon - Jayne goes back to India

6th - 18th October.  Had a lovely time with Jayne again, although tinged somewhat with sadness that this would be the last time for a while.  There was only last minute bits and bobs to be done - including the dreaded visa.  As before we did lots of walking - again the weather was really good for the time of year and the moor was wonderful.  On the day before I arrived Mike and I had received a phone call from Tracey House saying they had called an ambulance for Mary as she was vomiting but she had refused to go to hospital.  I went to see her on the Wednesday and she had recovered and was collecting the cups etc even though Jeanette had suggested she should take things easy.  She had also been preparing apples in the kitchen.  However a couple of days later she had spent all day in her room as she had not felt well - but again was ok when I went to visit her on the Friday.

Jayne and I went on the bus to Exeter - my Freedom Pass worked so it was free for me.  We sat on the top deck and looked into people's gardens!  It was amazing to be on a bus speeding along the A38.  We indulged in some retail therapy in Exeter - I got some christmas presents for Bethany while Jayne got stuff for the children in India as well as stuff for ourselves - and then Jayne treated me to lunch at Cafe Rouge where we had fougasse and then steak frites.  We got off too early on the way back - Jayne rang the bell as the bus turned into Bradley Road and as there was a bus stop there is stopped!  Will wait till longer next time - to see if it stops at the top of Coombe Close.  It doesn't take much longer than going in the car, and now I know it is free I will probably do it more often.

I decided that some cupboards were needed in the utility room - so we both went off to B&Q and Jayne helped me pick them.  The doors had to be ordered, but we were able to take the carcasses home so we set to putting them together (Jayne did most of the work).  We realised we wouldn't be able to put them on the wall ourselves so we made an emergency call to Bill King - who came round that evening and put them up for us.  He made a brilliant job of it and even screwed in the securing screws through the back panels.  He only charged £35 although I gave him a bit more.  The doors arrived a couple of days later and we put them all up except one which was damaged - the replacement arrived two days after that but by then we didn't have any more time.  Next time I am down I will get Bill to put the remaining one on and put all the handles on - I didn't realise I would have to drill the holes myself!!  They look very swish and are very solid - Jayne and I spent a happy time putting stuff in them and it all looks a lot neater and tidier than the old shelf.

We met up with Jackie for a walk on the moor - which we followed with lunch at the Carpenters Arms.  This was just as good as the evening meal had been previously.  We also went out with Jackie for an evening meal at The Welcome Stranger - which had been highly recommended but which both Jayne and I thought was fairly average.  The portions were huge but the food itself was rather ordinary.  It was very full when we arrived but by 9.45 it was empty and we wondered if it had closed without our knowing - but there were still a couple of locals in the bar when we left!

I had two engagements with the Moretonhampstead Ringers.  On the first Saturday it was the Lamerton Festival in the evening - we had to leave at 5.30 for a 7 pm start. Jimpy was doing the driving so I picked up Ann and Joyce and followed the satnav to Jimpy's house.  It took us along small roads with grass up the middle and brought us out on the other side of Newton Abbot.  I don't think Joyce and Ann will ever trust me to drive again!  We then couldn't find the house because they couldn't remember where he lived, nor what the number was, so we drove round the roads till they recognised it!  This meant we were a bit late arriving, and everything was set up by the time we did. The ringing finished at 9 pm (we was robbed and came third!) but then everyone hung around having supper (I only had a cup of tea) and it was actually 11.45 pm by the time I got to bed!  On the final Saturday I was out all day at the Regional Handbell Rally in Wincanton - 9.30 am pick up and got back about 7 pm. Joyce did the driving this time.  It felt like I was half way back to London! Jayne looked after Suki - who clearly missed me terribly!
Suki taking advantage and sleeping on Jayne's bed!

Had a couple of successes with the Exeter handbell ringers too.  We scored a peal of 6xspliced major with Lyn on the tenors at Lyn's house, and also a QP of Pudsey.

Jayne had terrible trouble with her visa.  She applied for an Entry Visa and used the agency  (and the paperwork) which had already obtained visas for two of her compatriots.  The agency assured her that the visa had been approved, and even sent her the bill, and then on Thursday afternoon (when she was out with Jude) she found out her application had been rejected.  The agency were wonderful and did all they could to help - they were as shocked as she was as they had been told by the Embassy that it was approved but apparently it was the High Commissioner who refused to stamp it.  We had an anxious wait on Friday until 4.30 when they went to pick up the passports, but were relieved to hear that they had finally got it (with an Employment Visa).  They then couriered it to Monica's house at their own expense so that it was in London ready for Jayne when we got there.  Understandably Jayne was incredibly stressed by it all.

We stopped off for lunch at the Half Moon Inn with Jay on the way home - which meant going on the A303.  Then found myself diverted by the Rugby World Cup road closures and spent some time trying to negotiate my way through Heston, Southall etc.  I would have been better doing the official diversion round the M25 to the M4 even though the satnav was showing 12 minute delays.

In the evening Monica came round with the precious passport and visa and we had some lebanese nibbles provided by Mike with a glass of wine. 

At 6 am the following morning I drove Jayne to Heathrow and said goodbye to her for 6 months :(  I felt very sad and abandoned - especially as Lee and Emma had moved to Dartmouth the day before!

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