End of November - Concerts!
The end of November was a challenge for Mike's voice with the Chiswick Choir concert on the Saturday, Messiah Part 1 with St Nicholas Church Choir on Advent Sunday, and Berlioz Grande Messes des Morts at the Royal Albert Hall with Goldsmith's Choral Union on Monday.
On the Saturday Mike was persuaded (pressured) into going and judging the Oxford DG striking competition in the morning - going straight to the rehearsal at St M&AA for 2.30. He only came in from the rehearsal at 5.50 pm - I'm glad I wasn't in the choir as I would have felt very pressured being that late. What with the extra long rehearsal, and a number of panicky emails to the choir email list during the week from the chairman about everyone doing more homework, I thought the concert might be rather hit and miss but actually it was very good and the choir made a really good sound and were certainly watching the conductor much more than they used to do. It was a programme of French music, most of which was not my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed it. The second half consisted of the Durufle Requiem - which was somewhat spoilt by the man in front of us hiccuping all the way through until he threw up! Went to Tarantella with Mike and the others after the concert and had rigatoni arrabiatta again - and again it was delicious. Although the concert finished at 9.30 we didn't get to the restaurant until after 10 and we only got to bed at 12.30 which felt very late.
Managed to get up the next morning to walk Suki and get to 8 am service. Gareth Kipling was at Chiswick ringing - he is staying with Monica at the moment but soon to move in with his girlfriend in Shaa Road, so will be staying in the area which is good. Mike went to ring a QP at Barnes at midday - I cooked a cauliflower cheese for lunch. I went off to do some church sitting as Alison Jones couldn't do it, while Mike walked Suki, and then at 4 pm it was time for the Messiah rehearsal. We were a bit miffed to find he was rehearsing the soloists and that the choir rehearsal only started at 4.30 - especially as Mike had ditched the car in Chiswick Lane because he thought he was going to be late for 4 due to traffic. We had a good sing through in the rehearsal, and the singing in the service also went very well. I looked after Gwyneth - and also sang loudly in the ear of the other local alto to help her along. In addition there was the alto soloist and a young boy who was very good - Ann Fry's grandson. It was absolutely tipping it down with rain afterwards, and Ann McBride asked for a lift home so I did that, as my car was right outside, and Mike went home to look after Suki and got absolutely drenched getting back to his car. We had a spot of supper and watched a David Attenborough wild life programme before having an early night.
On Monday Mike went off to the Albert Hall at about 1 - I had popped up to Munchies earlier to get us each a baguette for lunch. I ended up giving Mike the wrong one, so he had the healthy tuna mayo and salad with no butter, and I had the calorific brie and chorizo with butter. Ho hum. It was somewhat offset by the Zumba class I attended at 12.15 which was fun again. I have been persuaded to take out membership of the Centre as it was pointed out to me I had spent double the monthly fee in November on classes. I can now use the pool and the gym whenever I want, and the booking of classes is much simpler on the App as I don't have to go through a payment process.

Svetla came in the afternoon and then we both went off to the Albert Hall together about 5.30. We had a very easy journey on the buses and arrived very early so we went up to the bar and had a glass of wine (£17 for two small glasses and a bag of crisps) and I bought a programme (£5). There was no-one in the bar and we got served easily. We were both in the upper circle sitting about 9 seats apart - but I found the seats on both sides of me were empty through the first half so Svetla moved up next to me for the second half.

Mike was positioned well ahead of the choir entering and spent some time being the sole item of interest on the stage. It was quite impressive when the choir and the orchestra were in place. The concert was excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed it - which is unusual for me as Itend to only like things I know. Svetla and I had an ice cream at the interval (£7 for two 100g tubs Haagen Daas). We met up with Mike afterwards and all travelled back together on the bus. When we got in Mike and I enjoyed a couple of Drambuie nightcaps before going to bed.

On the Saturday Mike was persuaded (pressured) into going and judging the Oxford DG striking competition in the morning - going straight to the rehearsal at St M&AA for 2.30. He only came in from the rehearsal at 5.50 pm - I'm glad I wasn't in the choir as I would have felt very pressured being that late. What with the extra long rehearsal, and a number of panicky emails to the choir email list during the week from the chairman about everyone doing more homework, I thought the concert might be rather hit and miss but actually it was very good and the choir made a really good sound and were certainly watching the conductor much more than they used to do. It was a programme of French music, most of which was not my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed it. The second half consisted of the Durufle Requiem - which was somewhat spoilt by the man in front of us hiccuping all the way through until he threw up! Went to Tarantella with Mike and the others after the concert and had rigatoni arrabiatta again - and again it was delicious. Although the concert finished at 9.30 we didn't get to the restaurant until after 10 and we only got to bed at 12.30 which felt very late.
Managed to get up the next morning to walk Suki and get to 8 am service. Gareth Kipling was at Chiswick ringing - he is staying with Monica at the moment but soon to move in with his girlfriend in Shaa Road, so will be staying in the area which is good. Mike went to ring a QP at Barnes at midday - I cooked a cauliflower cheese for lunch. I went off to do some church sitting as Alison Jones couldn't do it, while Mike walked Suki, and then at 4 pm it was time for the Messiah rehearsal. We were a bit miffed to find he was rehearsing the soloists and that the choir rehearsal only started at 4.30 - especially as Mike had ditched the car in Chiswick Lane because he thought he was going to be late for 4 due to traffic. We had a good sing through in the rehearsal, and the singing in the service also went very well. I looked after Gwyneth - and also sang loudly in the ear of the other local alto to help her along. In addition there was the alto soloist and a young boy who was very good - Ann Fry's grandson. It was absolutely tipping it down with rain afterwards, and Ann McBride asked for a lift home so I did that, as my car was right outside, and Mike went home to look after Suki and got absolutely drenched getting back to his car. We had a spot of supper and watched a David Attenborough wild life programme before having an early night.
On Monday Mike went off to the Albert Hall at about 1 - I had popped up to Munchies earlier to get us each a baguette for lunch. I ended up giving Mike the wrong one, so he had the healthy tuna mayo and salad with no butter, and I had the calorific brie and chorizo with butter. Ho hum. It was somewhat offset by the Zumba class I attended at 12.15 which was fun again. I have been persuaded to take out membership of the Centre as it was pointed out to me I had spent double the monthly fee in November on classes. I can now use the pool and the gym whenever I want, and the booking of classes is much simpler on the App as I don't have to go through a payment process.