The end of the year

I was scheduled to ring handbells every morning for the remainder of the week once the bank holidays were out of the way. I had thought of dropping out but in the end decided to go for it. New Year's resolution - ensure Tim knows I only want to ring once or twice a week! Wed 28th -beautifully clear, crisp and very cold morning. Scraping ice off the car. Mike dropped me off at Tim's and then took Suki for a walk - the obelisk one again. I got a lift with Tim and Sue over to David's. Andrew joined us and we had a couple of attempts at a peal of Cambridge Royal. I was much better than before and began to see more of it. The first attempt ground to a halt after about 40 mins and then the second one went for longer and had really settled down when it was realised that 3-4 had been round the wrong way for a long time! So we stopped. We then rang a QP of it and had a cup of tea. I caught the bus back, which was a nice adventure. ...