December - Christmas looms!
Panic is definitely setting in now December has arrived - Christmas is only just over 3 weeks away!
Thurs 1st. Went to Zumba Gold and had long phone call with Malc and Skype with Jayne. Just enough time in the day to walk Suki twice, have a shower and out for handbells in the evening. Rang a peal of Yorkshire on 5-6 with James, Pru and Caroline. Hard going at times but it was also pretty good in places and it was such a relief to finally score something after a string of failures. It was also a date which James needed so a nice result. Had a nightmare journey home. Got off the Jubilee Line at Westminster and when I got to the District Line platform they announced the District Line was suspended. So had to go all the way back down and get on the Jubilee Line again. Then missed Bond Street because I was reading my Kobo book, so got off at Baker Street and worked my way back again. Then when I arrived at Shepherds Bush it was clear there was some sort of traffic problem as the bus area was full of cars coming through from White City - and sitting stationary in a jam! So I walked all the way home from Shepherds Bush - picking up some chips from MacDonalds on the way (hopefully the walk would cancel them out!) - and got in just after 11. Had a hot drink and a small glass of wine and was just nodding off when Mike came in.
Fri 2nd. Set my alarm and got up at 6.15 so that I could do all the preparation for the second Gousto meal which we were having for lunch in addition to all the usual morning stuff. Dropped off Lorraine's post and a parcel for John at the convent on my way over to Steve's for handbells. We failed to get very far with the attempt of Cambridge Royal but once again had a productive session of practice - and I also got a good go at the 7-8 position later. Dashed home to make the chicken wrapped in bacon with mushrooms on a bed of garlic and sage mashed potato with cream sauce. It was very good - particularly the mushrooms. Went straight to Tesco afterwards and got some things for the lunch on Sunday plus some more gift cards for Christmas presents - so feeling a bit more relaxed about things now. Mike had been given a DHL Advent Calendar at work - each box contains a Lindt chocolate. So of course we had to eat one each to catch up.
Went to Barnes with Mike to ring in the QP - replacing Hugo who had dropped out that morning. Bristol - Martin's first of Bristol. I rang the treble. Had cheesy chips again in the pub.
Sat 3rd. Got up early - lots to do and beginning to feel overwhelmed! We both walked up to Macken's with Suki and Mike bought a nice shoulder of lamb and some mini mince pies (delicious but expensive) for the choir lunch the next day. We also bought some very expensive sprouts! Randy came round at 9.30 and we rang a QP of Plain Bob Minor and then got a plain course of Kent round - he had only ever rung one lead before, and that was over a year ago. Then Mike went to Barnes and I tackled the "things to do" list. Got all the tower letters out re subs, and posted parcel to Jayne's mum, and wrote Christmas cards for all the Moretonhampstead ringers and sent them off to Ann. Chose some flooring too and emailed choice to Wayne - wonders will never cease. Made the last of the Gousto meals for lunch - cheesy cottage pie. Very different from my usual - and equally delicious. There was enough for us to have it again for lunch on Monday. After walking Suki in the afternoon I had a shower and then made the prosecco jelly, which Lorraine had given us, for the choir lunch and washed the fruit.
Mike grabbed a shower when he came in and then we left together for the Chiswick Choir Concert. Monica had already got me a seat when we arrived - although it was in the side aisle and some of the soloists were hidden by the pillar. I enjoyed all the music - Schubert Mass and Ave Maria, Bruckner Requiem and Lieder by Brahms. Yes even the Lieder. Afterwards we went to Lara with Richard and had the set Light Meal menu which was excellent. I had a double Raki with my turkish coffee - which was possibly a mistake as it didn't leave much room for the water! It was so much nicer to have the light meal and not to have to try and eat a big meaty main course. We got to bed about 11.30 which was much earlier than we would have done if we had gone to Tarantella.
Sun 4th. So got up early yet again! Took Suki to Wendell then went to 8 am and did the ringing circuit. Mike went to play the organ at the convent. Luckily there were 6 ringers at Chiswick so I was able to leave early. I put the meat in when I got home and then laid the table so that I wouldn't need to go in and out once the choir had arrived.
Chivers arrived just after Mike got home and tuned the piano. He didn't notice the new decor, nor the fact that the piles of music etc had gone from the top of the piano! The rest arrived around 12.30 - and again no-one noticed the new decor. However they all thought we had got a new three-piece suite! It must have looked nicer against the fresh cream walls and bright curtains. Of course Mike just said no - it was my dad's, instead of pointing out that it was everything else that was new! Still I was pleased with the way the rooms looked and at least I wasn't ashamed of the state of the walls and the fireplace!
The cooking of the lunch went well - and there was just time to drink the remaining prosecco when it was all cooked and before serving it up at 2 pm! Cook's prerogative!
I used Aunt Bessie's roast potatoes - which would have been nicer if I had not tried to do so many in one roasting tin as they didn't all crisp up. But several people went for seconds so they can't have been that bad. The boned and rolled shoulder of lamb was delicious and very tender. I used the electric knife successfully for the first time and found it very easy - and a lot less mess and waste than trying to use the electric slicer! Everything was cooked nicely and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The pudding was a triumph! I put the two lemon meringe roulades (Tesco finest) on to a large plate and surrounded them with the raspberries and blueberries. The prosecco jelly was fabulous and a real talking point too and it complemented the roulades perfectly. All served with lashings of extra thick double cream. I cleared the table and made some coffee and then took Suki out for a walk while they carried on rehearsing. Everyone was just leaving when I got back so I then got on with the washing up while Malcolm and Mike played duets on the piano.
It was great to be able to put all the dinner service back in the cupboard rather than wrapping it all in cling film and climbing up the steps to put it on the shelf in the utility room. I had just finished the washing up when Amanda arrived to put some baby stuff in the loft for Leanne. I took the opportunity to get the music Mike wanted out of the loft.
The Chiswick ringers came round in the evening to practice handbells for Christmas - and Monica asked if we had got a new three piece suite!! I just burst out laughing - stopped me from sobbing!! The practice did not go as well as the first one but a good time was had by all. Afterwards Monica and Peter joined us for a mince pie and helped us eat up the roulade etc.
Mon 5th. Set the alarm to get up early as I had promised to be at Joyce's by 9 am with directions for her as to how to get to the hockey museum. I went in and had a chat and then Suki and I carried on to the park to continue our walk. It was a lovely bright day. Then I went off to Westfield and had a productive Christmas shopping session - very pleased. Nearly all done now. We had the roast lamb dinner leftovers for lunch which were very good and then tried the very very old apricots in gin Mary made about 6 years ago to finish off the cream. They were ok - certainly edible although obviously past their best. And there appeared to be no ill after-effects! In the afternoon wrapped presents for Jayne, then wrapped them all in a brown paper parcel and went up to the post office to post it. I was very pleased to find that it did not cost any more than the usual parcel - it was very big and I thought it would be extremely expensive. Stocked up with selotape as we were completely out. Went to Chiswick early for handbells again and then stayed on for the practice and the pub afterwards. Very tired though. Mike struggled to drink more than a pint! I had a hot drink with a port nightcap and took a Nytol.
Tues 6th. Set the alarm again but just couldn't get up until 7. Had a restless night although the nytol ensured that I went back to sleep again each time. Suki got a slightly shortened walk as I needed to get to fitness class by 10.45. After the class went up the high street and got some nice earrings for Amanda, some dehumidifiers from the hardware store for the cupboard at Chiswick, and then popped to Tesco for some milk and stuff. Went to the pharmacy to get some passport photos done as I realised mine expires in February. They were unable to email it to me but gave me 4 printed ones. We had the remains of the Gousto cottage pie for lunch. Gave suki a good walk in the afternoon. Walked over to white hart lane in the evening to ring handbells on the street on late night shopping. It was 3 miles exactly and took just under an hour. It was good to get the exercise but walking through dukes meadows in the dark was not pleasant. The ringing was surprisingly good - just a few missing noughts occasionally and Freya got lost on 1-2 sometimes and then couldn't get back in. I went home by bus and watched last episode of The Missing.
Wed 7th. Went over to Keith's and did a Sainsbury shop and a bit on the computer for him. In the afternoon I tried to apply online for a passport but I needed a digital copy of the photo. So then I looked up the nearest post office where I could get a form and it showed The Vale - so I went up there but they said they were not allowed to issue the forms and I had to go to the Crown Post Office. So I then purchased a usb stick and went to the pharmacy to get a digital copy of the photo, but they said the did not have the facilities to do so and said I would have to go to Acton to get a form from the post office there! I was not best pleased!! In the evening rang a peal of Kent TB Major on handbells with James and Peter, called by Mike at our house. It was nice to be the host for a change and provide the after peal drinks. I even had some mini pork pies and mince pies to dish up.
Thurs 8th. Caroline cried off sick from the peal attempt in the evening - so I had a long productive day and evening to myself with Mike at work and then Cantanti. Suki had her annual check up and booster vaccination in the morning. I took her for an hour's walk first and then popped in to Snappy Snaps and got another passport photo taken and emailed to me. It was then a 5-minute job to apply online when I got home and then pop up to the post office to post my old passport off. I decided to write off the expenditure on the pharmacy ones and put it down to experience - so much for trying to support the local shops! I did all the ironing (which had built up somewhat) and then I settled down to write the Christmas Newsletter. I made really good progress and it was 75% complete by the time I stopped and had something to eat and a glass of wine. Wayne texted me more photos of the progress at Bovey - this time the utility room and the new window and back door.
Fri 9th. We indulged ourselves with a lie-in this morning, and I only got up just before 8 am. After a leisurely breakfast I applied myself to the knotty task of buying some tickets for a Guns n Roses concert for Lorraine. I was very pleased to be successful. I took Suki out for a walk and then finished off the Christmas Newsletter - which was very satisfying. One less thing off the long Christmas to do list. Went to Forever Fit class at 1 pm and made jacket potato with cheese for lunch when I got back. After a quick cup of tea (and an advent calendar chocolate!) it was time to walk Suki again. Went to Barnes with Mike - he went off to the High Street to join the handbell ringers (late night shopping) and I replaced Jeremy (who was ill) in the QP. Plain Bob Major called by Linda - watched by Louise - both of whom were putting their new found knowledge of coursing orders to the test. Unfortunately QP came to an abrupt halt when Monica lost control of her bell and couldn't get it back up again - flailing the rope across the ringing room and eventually scaring me into saying something. Mike came for the practice - and reported that the handbell ringing had been dire so I was very glad I didn't go as I was expecting something like that. I had been warned on Tuesday that the children were doing it and that they were not very good but that they needed to be "encouraged". I braved the crowded streets to go and get a bottle of port (present for the next day) from the off licence at the far end of the High Street. Nightmare but mission was eventually accomplished.
I rang a few times in the practice but I felt pressured to ring more than I wanted to. I don't know how to manage this - I suffer with numb hands and painful wrists if I ring too much, but I am useful if they want to ring something more advanced - but the fact that I am there means there is an expectation that I want to ring and that I should be allowing other people to sit out! Perhaps I just need to be more thick skinned and more resilient to the pressure. We didn't stay too long in the pub - just long enough to have an interesting duck salad and some cheesy chips between us.
Thurs 1st. Went to Zumba Gold and had long phone call with Malc and Skype with Jayne. Just enough time in the day to walk Suki twice, have a shower and out for handbells in the evening. Rang a peal of Yorkshire on 5-6 with James, Pru and Caroline. Hard going at times but it was also pretty good in places and it was such a relief to finally score something after a string of failures. It was also a date which James needed so a nice result. Had a nightmare journey home. Got off the Jubilee Line at Westminster and when I got to the District Line platform they announced the District Line was suspended. So had to go all the way back down and get on the Jubilee Line again. Then missed Bond Street because I was reading my Kobo book, so got off at Baker Street and worked my way back again. Then when I arrived at Shepherds Bush it was clear there was some sort of traffic problem as the bus area was full of cars coming through from White City - and sitting stationary in a jam! So I walked all the way home from Shepherds Bush - picking up some chips from MacDonalds on the way (hopefully the walk would cancel them out!) - and got in just after 11. Had a hot drink and a small glass of wine and was just nodding off when Mike came in.
Fri 2nd. Set my alarm and got up at 6.15 so that I could do all the preparation for the second Gousto meal which we were having for lunch in addition to all the usual morning stuff. Dropped off Lorraine's post and a parcel for John at the convent on my way over to Steve's for handbells. We failed to get very far with the attempt of Cambridge Royal but once again had a productive session of practice - and I also got a good go at the 7-8 position later. Dashed home to make the chicken wrapped in bacon with mushrooms on a bed of garlic and sage mashed potato with cream sauce. It was very good - particularly the mushrooms. Went straight to Tesco afterwards and got some things for the lunch on Sunday plus some more gift cards for Christmas presents - so feeling a bit more relaxed about things now. Mike had been given a DHL Advent Calendar at work - each box contains a Lindt chocolate. So of course we had to eat one each to catch up.
Went to Barnes with Mike to ring in the QP - replacing Hugo who had dropped out that morning. Bristol - Martin's first of Bristol. I rang the treble. Had cheesy chips again in the pub.
Sat 3rd. Got up early - lots to do and beginning to feel overwhelmed! We both walked up to Macken's with Suki and Mike bought a nice shoulder of lamb and some mini mince pies (delicious but expensive) for the choir lunch the next day. We also bought some very expensive sprouts! Randy came round at 9.30 and we rang a QP of Plain Bob Minor and then got a plain course of Kent round - he had only ever rung one lead before, and that was over a year ago. Then Mike went to Barnes and I tackled the "things to do" list. Got all the tower letters out re subs, and posted parcel to Jayne's mum, and wrote Christmas cards for all the Moretonhampstead ringers and sent them off to Ann. Chose some flooring too and emailed choice to Wayne - wonders will never cease. Made the last of the Gousto meals for lunch - cheesy cottage pie. Very different from my usual - and equally delicious. There was enough for us to have it again for lunch on Monday. After walking Suki in the afternoon I had a shower and then made the prosecco jelly, which Lorraine had given us, for the choir lunch and washed the fruit.
Mike grabbed a shower when he came in and then we left together for the Chiswick Choir Concert. Monica had already got me a seat when we arrived - although it was in the side aisle and some of the soloists were hidden by the pillar. I enjoyed all the music - Schubert Mass and Ave Maria, Bruckner Requiem and Lieder by Brahms. Yes even the Lieder. Afterwards we went to Lara with Richard and had the set Light Meal menu which was excellent. I had a double Raki with my turkish coffee - which was possibly a mistake as it didn't leave much room for the water! It was so much nicer to have the light meal and not to have to try and eat a big meaty main course. We got to bed about 11.30 which was much earlier than we would have done if we had gone to Tarantella.
Sun 4th. So got up early yet again! Took Suki to Wendell then went to 8 am and did the ringing circuit. Mike went to play the organ at the convent. Luckily there were 6 ringers at Chiswick so I was able to leave early. I put the meat in when I got home and then laid the table so that I wouldn't need to go in and out once the choir had arrived.
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The table looked really nice when it had been laid |
The cooking of the lunch went well - and there was just time to drink the remaining prosecco when it was all cooked and before serving it up at 2 pm! Cook's prerogative!
I used Aunt Bessie's roast potatoes - which would have been nicer if I had not tried to do so many in one roasting tin as they didn't all crisp up. But several people went for seconds so they can't have been that bad. The boned and rolled shoulder of lamb was delicious and very tender. I used the electric knife successfully for the first time and found it very easy - and a lot less mess and waste than trying to use the electric slicer! Everything was cooked nicely and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The pudding was a triumph! I put the two lemon meringe roulades (Tesco finest) on to a large plate and surrounded them with the raspberries and blueberries. The prosecco jelly was fabulous and a real talking point too and it complemented the roulades perfectly. All served with lashings of extra thick double cream. I cleared the table and made some coffee and then took Suki out for a walk while they carried on rehearsing. Everyone was just leaving when I got back so I then got on with the washing up while Malcolm and Mike played duets on the piano.
It was great to be able to put all the dinner service back in the cupboard rather than wrapping it all in cling film and climbing up the steps to put it on the shelf in the utility room. I had just finished the washing up when Amanda arrived to put some baby stuff in the loft for Leanne. I took the opportunity to get the music Mike wanted out of the loft.
The Chiswick ringers came round in the evening to practice handbells for Christmas - and Monica asked if we had got a new three piece suite!! I just burst out laughing - stopped me from sobbing!! The practice did not go as well as the first one but a good time was had by all. Afterwards Monica and Peter joined us for a mince pie and helped us eat up the roulade etc.
Mon 5th. Set the alarm to get up early as I had promised to be at Joyce's by 9 am with directions for her as to how to get to the hockey museum. I went in and had a chat and then Suki and I carried on to the park to continue our walk. It was a lovely bright day. Then I went off to Westfield and had a productive Christmas shopping session - very pleased. Nearly all done now. We had the roast lamb dinner leftovers for lunch which were very good and then tried the very very old apricots in gin Mary made about 6 years ago to finish off the cream. They were ok - certainly edible although obviously past their best. And there appeared to be no ill after-effects! In the afternoon wrapped presents for Jayne, then wrapped them all in a brown paper parcel and went up to the post office to post it. I was very pleased to find that it did not cost any more than the usual parcel - it was very big and I thought it would be extremely expensive. Stocked up with selotape as we were completely out. Went to Chiswick early for handbells again and then stayed on for the practice and the pub afterwards. Very tired though. Mike struggled to drink more than a pint! I had a hot drink with a port nightcap and took a Nytol.
Tues 6th. Set the alarm again but just couldn't get up until 7. Had a restless night although the nytol ensured that I went back to sleep again each time. Suki got a slightly shortened walk as I needed to get to fitness class by 10.45. After the class went up the high street and got some nice earrings for Amanda, some dehumidifiers from the hardware store for the cupboard at Chiswick, and then popped to Tesco for some milk and stuff. Went to the pharmacy to get some passport photos done as I realised mine expires in February. They were unable to email it to me but gave me 4 printed ones. We had the remains of the Gousto cottage pie for lunch. Gave suki a good walk in the afternoon. Walked over to white hart lane in the evening to ring handbells on the street on late night shopping. It was 3 miles exactly and took just under an hour. It was good to get the exercise but walking through dukes meadows in the dark was not pleasant. The ringing was surprisingly good - just a few missing noughts occasionally and Freya got lost on 1-2 sometimes and then couldn't get back in. I went home by bus and watched last episode of The Missing.
Wed 7th. Went over to Keith's and did a Sainsbury shop and a bit on the computer for him. In the afternoon I tried to apply online for a passport but I needed a digital copy of the photo. So then I looked up the nearest post office where I could get a form and it showed The Vale - so I went up there but they said they were not allowed to issue the forms and I had to go to the Crown Post Office. So I then purchased a usb stick and went to the pharmacy to get a digital copy of the photo, but they said the did not have the facilities to do so and said I would have to go to Acton to get a form from the post office there! I was not best pleased!! In the evening rang a peal of Kent TB Major on handbells with James and Peter, called by Mike at our house. It was nice to be the host for a change and provide the after peal drinks. I even had some mini pork pies and mince pies to dish up.
Thurs 8th. Caroline cried off sick from the peal attempt in the evening - so I had a long productive day and evening to myself with Mike at work and then Cantanti. Suki had her annual check up and booster vaccination in the morning. I took her for an hour's walk first and then popped in to Snappy Snaps and got another passport photo taken and emailed to me. It was then a 5-minute job to apply online when I got home and then pop up to the post office to post my old passport off. I decided to write off the expenditure on the pharmacy ones and put it down to experience - so much for trying to support the local shops! I did all the ironing (which had built up somewhat) and then I settled down to write the Christmas Newsletter. I made really good progress and it was 75% complete by the time I stopped and had something to eat and a glass of wine. Wayne texted me more photos of the progress at Bovey - this time the utility room and the new window and back door.
Fri 9th. We indulged ourselves with a lie-in this morning, and I only got up just before 8 am. After a leisurely breakfast I applied myself to the knotty task of buying some tickets for a Guns n Roses concert for Lorraine. I was very pleased to be successful. I took Suki out for a walk and then finished off the Christmas Newsletter - which was very satisfying. One less thing off the long Christmas to do list. Went to Forever Fit class at 1 pm and made jacket potato with cheese for lunch when I got back. After a quick cup of tea (and an advent calendar chocolate!) it was time to walk Suki again. Went to Barnes with Mike - he went off to the High Street to join the handbell ringers (late night shopping) and I replaced Jeremy (who was ill) in the QP. Plain Bob Major called by Linda - watched by Louise - both of whom were putting their new found knowledge of coursing orders to the test. Unfortunately QP came to an abrupt halt when Monica lost control of her bell and couldn't get it back up again - flailing the rope across the ringing room and eventually scaring me into saying something. Mike came for the practice - and reported that the handbell ringing had been dire so I was very glad I didn't go as I was expecting something like that. I had been warned on Tuesday that the children were doing it and that they were not very good but that they needed to be "encouraged". I braved the crowded streets to go and get a bottle of port (present for the next day) from the off licence at the far end of the High Street. Nightmare but mission was eventually accomplished.
I rang a few times in the practice but I felt pressured to ring more than I wanted to. I don't know how to manage this - I suffer with numb hands and painful wrists if I ring too much, but I am useful if they want to ring something more advanced - but the fact that I am there means there is an expectation that I want to ring and that I should be allowing other people to sit out! Perhaps I just need to be more thick skinned and more resilient to the pressure. We didn't stay too long in the pub - just long enough to have an interesting duck salad and some cheesy chips between us.