The manic weekend followed by calm

The weekend before Christmas was the usual manic one - at least for Mike.  I had a quiet Saturday and was picked up by Monica in the evening to go to the Cantanti Christmas Concert.  She had come straight from the St Nicks Christmas Lunch - it had only started at 3 pm so I was glad I hadn't gone to it.  The concert was like a reunion. People kept coming up to me to say hello - Steve, Jane Haslam, Chris Gould, Janice and Philip. It was lovely.  And I got a Christmas kiss from Chris May afterwards, and also one from Richard M!!    There was very nice QP of Superlative before the concert which Mike called.  Monica took me straight home afterwards and Mike went off to the post-concert party and came in late!  Sunday was manic for us both.  We went to the 8 am service - and then found that Hammersmith Bridge was closed.  Mike and I went to Fat Boys and had a full english breakfast - which was just as well as we didn't eat again until mince pies in the evening.  Monica didn't see us turn off so carried on to Barnes.  When I got in I took Suki over to Linda's - meeting up with her in the park.  Then it was over to Chiswick for a handbell rehearsal followed by Choir practice.  I was the only real alto - Michelle was there and we were later joined by the mum and daughter locals but I don't think they would have held a line without me.  It was nice to feel an necessary part of the choir and not just along for the ride with the professionals.  Mike said it all sounded ok, even though I thought the tuning was out for some of it, and of course I thoroughly enjoyed singing out And The Glory.  We rang the handbells before the service

and then after a quick glass of mulled wine we went round to the convent to ring them for the ladies.

I was pleasantly surprised when Lorraine turned up with Bethany to watch!  Just before Away in a Manger which is when Mike asks if there are any children in the audience - I was able to say "your very own great niece"!.  The programme was too long and Sister Jennifer had to ask us to stop, but it all went very well and then there were more mince pies and mulled wine.  Bethany stayed the night with Lorraine at the convent.  When we got home Amanda and Sam were there.  I stayed up and had a couple of glasses of wine with them - Mike went straight to bed!  It was nice to relax and feel that it was all over now bar Christmas itself.  I met Linda in the park the next morning to pick up Suki and we went for a cup of tea at the Pitch & Putt cafe.  I had never been before - it was excellent.  Dog friendly - with treats and pooh bags on a shelf outside.  The inside was nice and the tea and mince pies were good.  I can see me becoming a frequent visitor - even if only for a take away coffee.

There was another performance of Messiah at the Albert Hall on the Monday.  Mike did this one so we travelled together on the bus without incident and got there in perfect timing (ie between 5.45 and 6).  Trish didn't make it and I didn't really talk to anyone in the changing rooms - although I did see Wendy at the end to wish Happy Christmas.  However I got on like a house on fire with Sue - the lady who had been so authoritative on the previous occasion - and we chatted amiably before the concert and in the interval.  i also saw Corinne to say hello to - she seems to recognise me these days but possibly it is just as "that madwoman who saw her on TV".

It was odd to have another week to go before Christmas.  There seemed to be endless time to do the last bits and pieces.  We took the children to the park one afternoon and Amanda cooked us lots of meals which was nice and meant I could catch up with all my admin - including getting the Roving Ringers clothing order sent off. It was nice to sit wit Amanda and Sam in the evenings watching a film on the TV and having a drink  - Lorraine had dropped off a large TV for storage and Sam had managed to rig it up and get it working in the living room which was a bonus. On the night before we left Amanda cooked a lamb biryani and we sat down to eat it together round the table, and then watched Titanic on the TV. Monica came round with a cake she had baked for us - to keep us going in Devon in case we couldn't cook!  By the time we came to go to Devon I had done everything on my To Do List and also had some relaxation time which was a great feeling.

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