Devon - February visit
Thurs 13th
Set off at 10.30 and arrived about 2. Reasonable journey. Listened to fourth protocol by John le carre all the way. Lost huge chunk of tooth on fruit pastille. Tempted to doze after a cup of tea but snapped out of it and ironed the guest bedding whilst watching tipping point and pointless. Took nearly 2 hours! Also cleaned the fridge - huge improvement. Practiced on Abel for hour and a half in the evening before watching death in paradise with one glass of wine.
Fri 14th
Had a nice relaxed start. Went up on the moor. Very windy and wetter than I had anticipated. I should have worn my waterproof trousers and I should have taken my walking stick as it was slippery in places. Suki walked for a short while and then I carried her in the backpack along to the summit at the end of the ridge and then down to the tramway. She walked all the way back to the car from there and seemed quite happy. Quite a long walk for her. Went to Trago and got a bin and some new taps. Weather got worse later. Did some cross stitch and some practice on Abel.
Sat 15th - Storm Dennis
Sun 16th
It was still stormy when I woke up - strong winds and torrential rain. Bovey was on the national news as being flooded, and there was certainly plenty of flooding around, including Mill Marsh Park, but I only saw one home flooded and that was the one in the High Street slightly below street level near the river. Hardly worthy of national attention I would have thought.
Mon 17th
Plumber came to fit new taps - struggled to get the old ones off. He managed to fix new ones at different angles and showing the washer underneath! I must get another plumber! Did some cleaning afterwards and had to wash the bath mat and towels he'd just chucked in the bath! Sun came out although also heavy showers. Nice rainbow. Took Suki to Parke - there was a sudden heavy shower but thereafter it was sunny and nice. I carried her to the end of railway track in the rucksack and then she walked back with me along by the river. There was lots of flooding, especially by the weir, and I had to pick my way through the trees as the path there was completely flooded. The path further on was roped off because of a fallen tree across it, but I climbed over the rope and clambered over the tree. Did some cross stitch while watching TV in the afternoon. Went ringing in the evening - lots of crashing around! Still very damp up there after water had been running down the walls during the storm. Went straight home afterwards for an early night.
Tues 18th
More rain! Handbells with Tim at 9.30 am - back for a couple of hours then handbells at Moretonhampstead in the afternoon. Moreton changed to Tuesday afternoons so that people did not have to drive in the dark.
Handbells with Tim on Wednesday and back home on Thursday - the week always seems to go far too quickly.
Handbells - failed attempt of Swindon Royal at Lynn's. Successful peal of Double Dublin (surprisingly) and QP of 3xspliced Royal.
Flooding in Parke videos: