Roving Ringers Reunion
21 - 23 February 2020. Based at Llechwen Hall Hotel, Pontypridd

The day after returning from Devon I rang a handbell peal of Yorkshire with Steve, Muffie and Pete - I was fine all the way to the end and went haywire in the last half lead (again!). I must try to do something about that - or am I just getting old. It was really lovely to ring with Pete and Muffie again - all sorts of little things reminded me of the old days ringing with them. Dashed around in the afternoon - went to to Macken to get Monica's meat which I had offered to collect, bought lots of nuts and dates for Dinos to say thank you for mending our cuckoo clock again (it had given up the ghost after one too many hard pulls on the chain by Harry!) and got some flowers for Monica. Monica was having Suki for the weekend, so I took her up there about 5 pm and helped Monica move a bath panel upstairs. Back home for an hour's sit down in front of Tipping Point then off to Barnes with Mike to score a QP of Double Norwich, having packed the car ready for the weekend. Left the practice at 8.20 and drove to Pontypridd - arriving about 11.30 pm.
It was so nice to be in the hotel the next morning, and able to wake up leisurely and have a nice breakfast. I went to the first tower in Abergavenny with Mike, but sneaked off when I saw there were enough to ring and enjoyed a happy time wandering round the shops and market. I didn't even go to the lunchtime pub, but took a coffee back to the car and ate my sandwich. I watched 6-Nations rugby in the car during the ringing in the afternoon, and even read some of my book. I went to the annual meeting and then went back to the room to watch the end of the other rugby match. It was a really nice dinner, and we were all at one big table which was nice. It was also nice to be sitting with Bryn, Jess and new baby, with Helen opposite and Chris and Joy the other side of Mike. Probably one of the best I've been to for years. Rang Kent Royal and Little Bob Royal on handbells afterwards and then left them to it and went to bed
Wild and windy morning. Disabled access was round the outside of the hotel to the restaurant for breakfast. When we got there we found the tables and chairs positioned by all the doors, so wheelchairs couldn't get in without help from others moving the tables (even though there were two wheelchair uses staying).
Had lovely porridge. Sat in the car at all towers (weather atrocious all day). Finished a Rebus book borrowed from Monica. Shared a two course lunch with Mike. The M48 Bridge was closed when we got to Chepstow (last tower), but luckily it had opened again when we set off home. Bit of a hold up on M4 but got to Monica's about 7 to pick up Suki. I was going to sort everything out when we got in, but ran out of oomph and left it till morning