Various Dinners!

The day after we got back from Devon, Amanda and the kids went off to visit friends for a few days and then to stay with Carolyn, so we had some peace and quiet for a while. I got a lot of admin done - it is that time of the year when I have to get accounts and other stuff ready for Barnes AGM, and collect in subs from Southern Middx members, and collect in the forms from the Middx towers and from the other district secretaries and update the database, as well as sending out new member packs.  I seemed to be behind with it all as there hadn't been much chance to get started up until then.

On the Sunday it was the Chiswick Ringers lunch at Monica's - and because Suki was having surgery the next day she was "nil by mouth" so we left her at home as we thought it was kinder (and safer!).  First one she has missed - she is usually the guest of honour!  I walked some of the way home afterwards - my step count had been hopeless so far this year and I needed to do something to start getting it up again.

Suki had her surgery the next day - a small lump removed.  They discovered she had badly infected glands so had lots of antibiotics to take over the next 3 weeks.  I picked her up in the backpack, and she was so groggy she lay down in it while I walked home!  I stayed in with her for a few days, but none of the possible side effects happened thank goodness (possible incontinence/leaking) and she didn't even need the lampshade collar as she showed no signs of chewing at the stitches.  She was back to her old self very quickly.  She even managed to walk all the way to the vets a couple of days later for her post op check up - although it took nearly an hour and lots of persuasion. We had many battles over the next few weeks getting the tablets down but eventually she finished the course.

All too soon it was time for Amanda and the kids to go home to Majorca.  We went to Pizza Express in Chiswick on the last night, and Lorraine came over later in the evening so we had a nice girly night in.  I drove everyone to Luton airport the next morning.  We had quite a palaver doing self check in - reminded me of Jayne's experience with it - and Amanda had to ditch 6 kg from her bag (into a bag I had brought - I took it back home with me).  We had a coffee and then waved Amanda and the kids off.  Lorraine then took the train to Crawley to meet with friends - she had made the arrangements thinking Amanda was flying from Gatwick but thought she would stick with them anyway!  I drove home - the house seemed very quiet and empty without them.  Mike was out, and I spent a couple of hours just putting the house back to normal, and washing all the sheets and towels.  The cuckoo clock was well and truly jammed (Harry was fascinated by the chains and kept yanking them!) but luckily Dinos agreed to have a look at it again for us.

I spent the next couple of weeks catching up with all the admin and paperwork which had been accumulating, and getting back to some fitness classes, and even did some walking on the treadmill.  I had put on several pounds with all the lack of exercise recently.  I felt very unfit.  Lorraine, Amanda and I set up a support group on WhatsApp to help each other with resolutions to get fitter and leaner!

At the end of January I went to Devon for a long weekend - primarily to attend a dinner at The Dolphin to mark Bob's retirement as tower captain.  Then Tim decided to arrange a handbell day that weekend and I ended up ringing a QP of Cambridge S Royal on the Friday and QPs of Rutland S Major and Lincolnshire S Major on the Saturday.  The dinner was excellent.  The service was quick and friendly and the food was hot and delicious.  I had a lovely steak followed by lemon tart. We all paid separately, so there was no hassling over the bill. Bob was presented with a tankard and a card.  I sat next to Graham (the vicar) all evening but it wasn't too bad, and he was quite good at including everyone nearby in the conversation. In fact it was a chance for him to find out a bit more about Mike and me, and I managed to keep my views on his services to myself.

The following weekend it was the Barnes AGM and dinner.  I decided not to go to the AGM as it would mean leaving Suki for too long and I don't want to leave her with dog minders any more unless I really have no option.  So I went over to The White Hart by public transport in the evening - and spent the afternoon watching the Rugby (a much better way to spend an afternoon!).  I was going to catch the 272 bus and then have a 30 min walk to the pub, but the promised bus didn't turn up so I ended up walking to Hogarth Roundabout (30 mins) and then catching a 533.  Even this bus turned up 10 mins later than expected, and I was a bit late.  The food was very good - a bit like the Red Lion.  We had a room that could be partitioned off from other diners in the restaurant area which was nice.

I used "SendMyBag" to get all Amanda's stuff off to her which had been left behind.  Having packed a holdall I found they no longer accepted them and had to go and buy a large box.  I filled the box and used a whole roll of packing tape to secure it.  It only cost £36.  I was impressed.


I went for a walk with Maryanne the day after Storm Ciara.   She had arranged one for 6 of us the following day around Bledlow Ridge, and I had wimped out because I did not feel fit enough to tackle the steep ascents totalling over 1000ft.  So she kindly arranged an extra one for the two of us - the Swyncombe snowdrop walk starting in Ewelme.  The snowdrops in Swyncombe churchyard were quite spectacular. It was a lovely day to start with although we got drenched at the end with the last couple of miles being in strong winds and driving rain and hail.  It was good to get out and it really lifted my spirits.

5.5 m - 2:30 hrs - 664 ft of ascent/descent
Family and friends

Lorraine went to Brazil for her birthday - with cabin crew friends who were on a 4-day stopover.

Derek Cole died on 24th January unexpectedly or pneumonia.  I typed a letter for Joyce to send out to his friends with details of the funeral.  Mike agreed to play for it - we tried to visit North Sheen Cemetery Chapel to make sure Mike could get to the piano but it was locked up because of Storm Ciara - all the parks were similarly locked, even Richmond Park.

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