Walked round Parke in the morning - top path then back along the river.  Then went to get Euros from bank but they hadn't come in.  So walked Suki up in the afternoon and picked them up then.  Decided to walk back via the public footpath going up by the vicarage.  Suki was attacked by two dogs in the field behind St Paul's Close - one large black labrador type and a black and white jack russell.  Woman unable to control them and said they were her son's dogs and they were "naughty dogs".  Suki rather shaken but otherwise ok - although noticed a scratch in her ear later.  Made good progress on sorting out drawers in utility room. Rang handbells in the evening with Tim who came over to the house.  Scored a QP of Lightfoot 6 - which Tim called and which was his first Lightfoot 6 in hand.  Then practised Carlisle group for the rest of the evening.

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