
Friday. Took garden rubbish to dump and got car washed on the way back. Then walked to Barnes for lunch with Patricia.  Atrocious weather in the evening.  Sat in car outside Fulham during qp with engine running to stay warm.  Rang a bit then dropped keys back to Eddie while others went to pub. Got back to pub in time for a pint and to witness Hugo buying a round!  Wonders will never cease. 

Saturday finished new member packs. Walked to car wash with suki to get gloves I had left behind but they were closed.  Went to see "Flight" at odeon studios Leicester Square with Lorraine.  Had pasta and red wine beforehand.  Got in at midnight!  Sleeting all day.  Mike at college gaudy. 

Sunday drove to car wash for gloves.  Still closed but man working in office so able to get gloves.  Arrived home same time as Mike so packed car and set off for Devon early.  Arrived 3.45 and took suki for a walk in stover.  Then called in to see Mary.  Still got to house in daylight.  Took rocking chair down as more likely to sit in it in Devon.  Did jigsaw in the evening while watching tv and having a beer. 

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