
Explored path from Indio Road in morning - but large padlocked corrugated iron gate blocking it next to last house.  Could see over the gate very inviting looking path which, according to map, would make a good route through to other footpath route avoiding St John's Road which has no pavement.  What a shame.  Finished cupboards and drawers sorting for this week.  Weather improved in the afternoon.  Walked on moor.  Explored contour route round to Hound Tor crossing.  Reasonably successful but extremely wet underfoot, especially on "paths".  Boots and feet got very wet, and several routes had to be abandoned and an alternative found.  Lovely walk though and sun shone - beautiful evening.  Visited Mary on the way back. Suki now a firm favourite in the lounge where they congregate before tea.  Went ringing at Wolborough in evening with Ann, who gave me a lift.  Lovely bells and pacy practice.  I was very useful and rang in every touch until downwards.

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