
Had short walk in morning to pick up daffs and milk.  Intended to walk on hound tor before striking competition but met with torrential rain and cloud so low could not see hand in front of face.  Turned back to parke for walk. Nerve racking drive on narrow roads in mist and rain to North Bovey.  Difficult to park.  Dog not allowed in hall so didn't even get a cup of tea.  Arrived at one as requested.  Draw for call change comp at 3 after service.  Rounds comp first.  Rowena happy to look after suki the whole time.  Read book in car. Finally got to ring at 3.45 . Ropes incredibly stiff. Couldn't ring whole pull for judges.  Took 3 to stand.  Went straight home afterwards. 

Sunday took Mary to church. Mothering Sunday.  She was pleased with daffs but wanted them put in vase in lounge.  All ladies given flowers in service.  I gave mine to jean brothwood for her neighbour. Rained constantly.  Drove home 1 - 4.30 pm. Mike took suki for walk while I emptied car and put things away.  Curry delivered. Accompanied by red wine from concert. 

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