Monday 4th August

Jayne went to work so as to have tomorrow and Wed off.  I went to the tower at 10 to meet up with Chris and stand at the bottom of the ladder while he put the muffles on.  When I came out, covered in dust, the heavens opened and I was in danger of turning into concrete!  Popped down to the shops for a few bits and pieces and went home - luckily had umbrella in bag.  It rained for most of the day. At lunchtime went to Trago and had a mini supermarket sweep with Jayne to make the most of staff discount - got a nice throw for the futons and various other bits and pieces plus some toiletries.  In the evening had muffled practice and then went to short service in the churchyard to commemorate start of World War I.  Tenor was tolled for each person on the war memorial and their names were read out.  Went home and had a glass of wine with Jayne before bed.

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