Tuesday 19th August

Got up at 7.15 and had shower. We had porridge and tea for breakfast and took Suki for a short walk - she was reluctant to go up the bridleway again. Then went to Avebury. Had to pay £7 for all day parking - we were only there an hour.  However we managed to give our ticket to someone as we left so felt honour had been saved.  Would have cost another £5 to go in the museums so we walked around the stone circle and the church and then went back to the car. Drove to Marlborough and had lunch (soup) in a pub then went to Savernake forest where we ended up walking much longer than we had intended as we got a bit lost. Rained heavily on us too. But I enjoyed it and it was a good walk for suki although not so great for Maryanne who has a torn knee ligament and is in a lot of pain from it. We ended up walking along the main road for a while, which was not much fun and seemed highly dangerous, but eventually got back into the forest. Came back and had coffee in The Crown so as to do some admin on their wi fi. Then popped back to the cottage - Maryanne had a shower and we watched the news.  Then went back to the pub to eat - quite early, around 6.30.  We had another nice meal and a bottle of wine, and got up to leave just as they started to hand out the quiz sheets!  Great timing,
Maryanne and Suki with Avebury stone circle in the background

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