Tuesday 26th August
Phoned vets and managed to get appointment brought forward
to this afternoon – making tomorrow morning less of a rush to get over to
Highbury for 11.30 am. When I got to vets found out he had expected Suki to
have started taking the tablets – I didn’t know they were waiting for me at the
front. So he examined her and gave her
the tablets and that was another £69. Showed Mike what I had done on the MuseScore
software and then he told me there was a version for handbells by his bed which
is the one he wanted transposed! Still
it had been a useful exercise in familiarising myself with the software. Spent a couple of hours in the evening
setting up a fresh score for the handbell version and entering the notes. Sounds very pretty although a bit 4-square. Did some more practice on Abel for tomorrow. Mike went out to ring QPs at Magnus. Had a glass of Lorraine's white wine and went to bed early with a hot drink.