Thursday 28th August

Slept badly and felt muggy all day. Waited in all day for delivery of Soulful Food Pots – they finally arrived at 4.15 pm – and I was due out at 5 pm!  Did washing and ironing, and did Lorraine’s ironing again because I felt like it. Suki was rather short-changed on the walks – I took her for a quick walk in Wendell in the morning, and then another quick one in Southfields at 4.30.  I texted Caroline and Pru that I would be late for supper – but actually arrived only a few minutes after they had sat down. Had nice meal at Café Rouge and I produced another £40 discount voucher from Tesco Clubcard Boost which went down well as we only had to pay £12 each.. Went to bed at 9.30 pm with a cup of tea and the last of a bottle of red I had lying around – then woke up again at midnight when Mike came in.  He had been to work all day then down to Tunbridge Wells to ring two QPs with Hugo.

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