Slept well and had a mini lie-in till 7 am. Out on the moor again at 8.30. Took old tramway from small road car park in the direction of Bovey. Had previously discounted this as being next to the road but it was actually really lovely and was often much higher than the road and contoured right up and away from it eventually. Met the bridlepath near Ullacombe and walked back up it - lovely wooded path with streams crossing. When the bridlepath met the small road, turned onto marked path and contoured back round in the direction of Bovey gaining height nice and gradually. Lovely views - including out to sea! Was a good walk for keeping out of the wind too - only realised there was a wind when I got back to the car park. Only took and hour and a quarter which was quicker than I thought it would take. Would have liked to have been out for 2 hours but decided to go back and get other stuff done. The sun was out all the time I was walking but the clouds were gathering and the rest of the day was intermittent sunshine so not worth sitting out. I went to the bank and the shops and then tackled the utility room. Very pleased with the result! Then got all the stuff for the tip - particularly the electrical stuff like computers and tv - into the garage which cleared the sun lounge nicely. Ran a polish cloth around most of the surfaces and hoovered all the carpets. Very hard work and not very successful with the pathetic hoover there is here. Must get a good one sometime. Did my wrists in! Looked a bit better than before but not good. Took Suki to Parke for an hour and then had a hot chocolate and fruit scone at the cafe before heading off to see Mary again. She was quite chatty and we spent a nice hour together. Then home to do the envelopes for Intrepid - which went surprisingly well, the printer behaving well with printing envelopes. Stir fried veg, followed by banana and yoghurt for supper then Anne picked me up at 7 to go ringing at Wolacombe. Another friendly practice, with coffee cake and orange juice at half time. Young upstart visitor turned up - clearly competent and regaling the others with his tales of prowess, plus the fact that he was a vet and is now doing a phd in medical science! However he still needed time to look up London Minor before we could ring it! Anne rang London Minor really well, Most of the other touches of Grandsire and Plain Bob fired out - but mood was jovial. Got home at 9.30. Small amount of wine to finish off. Did some washing and ironing before having a reasonably early night. I think I have caught the sun a bit this week which is nice. I am surprised I don't have the outline of a dog head on my chest and dog paws on my arm since as soon as I lie down on the sun lounger Suki gets on me and lies flat out on me with her head on my chest and her paws on my arm. Luckily she gets too hot very quickly so it doesn't last long.