
Another lovely sunny day.  Suki less restless with fleece on floor during the night.  Walked for most of the morning. Had usual porridge and blueberries for breakfast.  They had cooked again.  Beautifully cooked by Tony. Took a long time to fill up with water at stewpony because tank kept belching.  At 11.30 stopped for a while at a boatyard to get bits for passing the boat inspection.  Andy and Judy joined the boat at Swindon lock about 2 pm. Boated to Compton where we moored for the night.  Suki very tired.  We went to the pub and I had two black cherry ciders.  So only had one small glass of wine with dinner.  Had chilli and jacket potato and Tony made delicious garlic bread.  I was stuffed and skipped the cheese course. Suki was in the boat in the evening and rather interested in the cheese course!   Had ovaltine and went to bed. 

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