
BWB man opened the flood lock gates early in the morning so we went through and then took on water before going up Erewash canal.  Judy and I got off at Bridge 3 (with Suki) and went to the station.  We only needed to buy a £4 single each to Derby and were then able to use our original tickets.  Four train journeys and some two hours later we reached Kidderminster.  The first taxi in the rank wouldn't take Suki but the next one was lovely and jumped out to say hello to her.  He had 7 dogs of his own apparently and he was very friendly and helpful - so I gave him a big tip at the end (equivalent to the fare) and hoped he would go back and tell the other man what he had missed out on.  We got the cars and headed off to Sainsburys at Kidderminster to get some shopping for dinner that night then drove to Kingswinford for a pub lunch.  We had to sit outside in the smokers area with the dog but had a very nice lunch with chips for the first time in a fortnight.  Then we drove to the church at Trowell to drop off the shopping with the ringers who had just lost a QP there.  Then we set off to Shipley Gate where the boat was due to moor that night and walked down the canal to meet the boat.  I called in to M&S Food to get some stuff that was needed on the boat and they turned up just as I got back to the canal.  Judy made a huge lasagne and I packed up as much stuff as possible so that I could pack the car as much as possible that night.

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