
Suki slept well again - I did not!  Woke in the morning to realise that my window had been shut all night.  Apparently Mike had shut it in the morning and I hadn't noticed last night because Judy had closed my blind for me.  So I did not have any air!  Packed up sleeping bags etc and put them in the car.  Cooker had run out of gas so couldn't make cup of tea or porridge as intended so decided to walk with the boat to Eastwood and then walk back for the car while they were ringing.  Woman had a go at me while I was doing the lock because Suki growled slightly when her dog went near her.  Set my location on the satnav at Eastwood and then set off back to the car.  Drove back to the boat and did all the washing up from the cooked breakfast they had had, then cleaned the cooker and the tables and kitchen surfaces, then cleaned the two toilets, sinks and the shower.  No-one even mentioned it or said thanks when they got back to the boat - but they set to making tea and eating cake!  I decided not to go back on board so that I wouldn't see what mess they would make and could keep in my mind how nice I had left it.  Had to wait for Judy and Andy to get back with JJ and the shopping for the trip back as we were going to have a pub lunch on the way home.  Played ball with Suki for a bit and then took her to the canal for a drink. As I bent over the canal to use my hand to cup water up to  her (having mysteriously lost the pocket puddle yesterday) my phone slid out of my map pocket in my coat and into the canal.  Luckily it landed on a shelf just below the surface so I put my hand in and grabbed it out.  I wailed with despair and started to cry quite a lot.  Then I realised that I needed to dismantle it and dry it out so went back to the car and did just that.  I stayed in the car feeling very miserable - but then Judy came along with some sweets to cheer me up and I consoled myself with the fact that it was insured and everything was backed up "in the cloud" except perhaps my photos of the trip.  Went for a nice pub lunch with Judy and Andy.  Again we had to sit in the smokers area but there were patio heaters available so we could keep warm.  Food very good and very cheap.  Got home about 5 pm.  Mike needed a change of clothes - and after getting on to the bed needed a change of bedding.  He had a shower and I changed everything and got him clean and dry, then turned round to see Suki had left a large puddle on my bed!  So my bedding needed washing, including the duvet.  Had mammoth washing pile but eventually got through it, leaving two loads for the following day.  The weather forecast was dry so I put it all out overnight as there was no room inside for the amount I had to do.  Went to bed quite late in the end because stilll hanging washing out at 11 pm when Lorraine came home and gave me a hand.

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