Friday 13 December

Woke mike up at 6.20 by putting the light on. Made him some breakfast and both of us a cup of tea. I had packed his rucksack last night so just added the rest if the baguette to it for later. He went in to work for his works Christmas lunch. I went back to bed till 8.30. Then took suki for a walk to Wendell and then carried on to askew road to the print shop where I was able to buy more cartridges - and they didn't mind suki going in. Got back and sealed and addressed Jayne's parcel and took it to the post office and posted it.  Also,posted first tranche of Christmas cards. Then went to Tesco and got a few bits. Then did some more printing of letters and also did the Sunday stewards rota. Emma came for suki at 1.30 and then I had a shower and packed my rucksack with concert stuff plus flask of coffee, flask of red wine (!) and jam sandwiches. Set off at 2.35 to catch 272. Arrived at Albert hall nice and early. Went to usual dressing room - nice and quiet and nearby toilets also much quieter with no queues. Usual milling around of sheep during the lining up process. I have seat on the stage for both performances this year. Irritated Victoria by changing seats so will probably be in back row again next year. Performance went well and was very enjoyable. Leg hurt the whole time.  Mike had car in parking space in loading bay so we drove home which was nice. Had tea and glass of red wine in bed. Leg eased a bit once up in bed but still uncomfortable. Resorted to music again -Leonard Cohen this time. Fell asleep before end of second track!

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