Tuesday 3 December

Seemed to spend the whole day doing stuff on the computer without actually progressing the Christmas letter, but it was all useful stuff.  I caught up with the Archers while walking Suki this morning so she had a nice long walk.  Then prepared veg for Sunday.  I used the food processor to shred all the greens - cabbage, broccoli, kale and chinese cabbage which I then put in the freezer.  Then I made carrot and ginger mash with all the carrots from 2 weeks veg boxes, and froze that.  I will be able to use up all the old potatoes too for the roast so that is very satisfying.  Still found plenty to distract me through the day on the computer rather than get on with the Christmas letter, but I did at least get up to date with emails etc.  Had to wash Mike's bedding again - including duvet - another distraction. Finished text of newsletter by 7 and produced some pizza for mike. I had jacket potato and cheese. Mike went to choir but I stayed home as not doing party or park club this year. I spent the evening usefully putting photos into newsletter. Finished just in time to settle down with glass of wine to watch last tango in Halifax. Then went to bed wih hot drink scotch and book. 

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