Monday 16 December

Set the alarm for 6.45 and actually got up just before it went off.  Put washing on and tidied up a bit then had shower and walked suki before breakfast.   Scales showed 10.11 which is the lowest yet,  and although I know it won't last it is at least a positive reduction and means officially a loss of half a stone. Yippee.  Took car to car wash - new guys and no queue.  Went to morrisons and got tripe sticks - which have changed and become more rubbery.  Saw Joyce at the checkout.  Then went to tesco and got bits for xmas presents.  In afternoon wrapped all presents - and even did wording etc for our surprise.  Went ringing at Chiswick then we had festive menu at the pub.  Got home just after 11 and then realised had left ipad at church so had to drive back and get it.  Finally got to bed just before midnight and did online jigsaw with scotch and hot drink.  Leg still painful. 

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