Sunday 1 December

Nice not to have to get up to walk dog before 8 am service.  Mike got up and ready to come with me then checked his diary and found he was playing the organ.  I went to church and did the usual circuit and then went to Sainsbury's for a few bits and found a good Christmas present for Mary in the form of some hyacinths which grow in water in a vase, and Beryl' Christmas present. Finished "Lost River" by Stephen Booth by skimming it. Wasn't impressed with it at all. Started Life and Limb by Jamie Anderson - a paperback.  Also successfully worked out hoe to get the epubs into Books on iPad - by emailing them to myself. So that will be useful. Went to Highbury in the afternoon and rang peal of Superative Major with David, Peter Blight and Chris O'Mahony.  My 60th in hand - who would have thought it.  Came home and got some doner meat with salad from Lara.  Grilled half of it when I got in and ate it for supper.  It was delicious - definitely do that again.   Mike went and sang in the choir for the Advent carol service at St Nick's and got in just after I had finished eating.  I grilled the other half for him and he enjoyed it too.  We drank tea and had an early night.  Suki came back about 8.30 pm - Beau and Neville were wearing poncy jackets!   Suki seemed a bit stressed again but eventually settled down.

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