Sunday 22 December

Got up early to have shower and walk suki in time to go to Barnes for 8am -Monica having said she would be doing that. Arrived same time as Monica. Nice service. Saw Patricia and had a hug which was nice. Did the usual breakfast and ringing circuit. Reminded mike by text to pick up Alley who came back to us for lunch. Luckily stuff prepared by mike for choir party had been brought back untouched so we had that with warm baguette I had found in freezer. Worked very well. Handbell rehearsal in church at 2 was not very good, but handbells before service were quite good. I did a lot of pointing for Alley which helped. Carol service went well and the singing was good. We did And The Glory again which was brilliant. Rushed round to convent and did pretty poor performance for them with lots of mistakes  but they seemed to enjoy it anyway. Had mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. Lorraine went back to Carolyn's even though she had a splitting headache. We had an early night.

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