Monday 6th October

Slept really badly.  Got up at 2.30 and made cup of tea and watched an episode of Wycliffe.  Jayne also slept badly - may have been the stilton last night.  Went for a walk and then went to Exeter to ring handbells.  Tried to ring Yorkshire Royal but could hardly manage a plain course - I hadn't been expecting Royal so hadn't done any practice and Lynn was the same.  Felt quite miserable about inability to get it right at one point but the others were very supportive and I was ok by the end.  When I got back had intended to walk Suki in time to visit Mary, but firstly we tackled the toilet seat again and of course it took longer than we thought.  Eventually we got it fitted tightly, but I decided not to glue it so that if necessary Mike could help fit it properly when he comes.  We then changed the toilet roll holder, which fitted nicely onto the existing plate so no need to drill new holes.  However the towel holder would not stick on with the no nails pads so we left that until next time so that I could research how to drill into tiles.  We put the mirror up - two attempts to get it straight, both of which failed but we decided to live with it slightly askew as only four sticky pads left.  Just time for soup (which I had made the night before with leek tops and potatoes) and garlic bread (thins covered in garlic manjira) before going out ringing.  Tried to order oils from Fragrant Earth, but web site kept crashing so we gave up.  Set up Jayne's new tablet for her. Nice friendly bellringing practice.  Rang plain hunt on 4 for Lisa, Barry and Chris.  Gave Ann a birthday card for tomorrow and she was very surprised to find I knew it was her birthday.  Didn't go to the pub but went straight back and finished off red wine and helped Jayne with tablet operation and settings.

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