Saturday 11th October

Mike went off to Barnes in the morning.  I did some washing and took Suki for a walk, then wrote the two certificates which were needed.  Mike didn't want any lunch when he got back so I finished up pasta from yesterday.  Mike went off to Middx Autumn meeting at 2.30 but I stayed at home and gave Suki another walk.  Set off for Fulham at 4.30 by public transport (with District Line west of Earls Court not operational except for Wimbledon line) and got there at 4.50 via Piccadilly line.  Met them outside church after service and walked down to the hall with them.  Rushed round getting certificates signed and handing them out, plus new member pack, and selling raffle tickets.  Macaroni cheese was very good but the curry looked a bit washed out and was apparently not so nice, so good choice!  Played sudoku on phone during meeting - which was typically boring.  Went straight home afterwards, giving Monica a lift, and watched recorded Lewis with glass of wine.  A bit miffed to find it is a two parter with the second part next week!  Had reasonably early night and listened to Clanad on sleep headphones to get to sleep.

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