Tuesday 7th October

Slept badly again, although not as bad as the previous night.  Rained heavily in the night and Suki started scrabbling at doors - I got up and let her out but she rushed back in, so I shut her in the bedroom with me and left the doors to the wardrobe open and then ignored her.  She didn't do it again so I got off lightly.  Got up at 7.30 full of energy.  Had shower and then put towels etc in to wash and short dry.  Had breakfast and did washing up.  Then did ironing.  Then hoovered bedroom and quickly round the other rooms.  Jayne went off to Glastonbury at 9.45.  I hung out towels and other washing, locked the windows, packed the car and left.  Went for a walk on the moor and then dropped in to see Mary.  Set off for London at 12.15, getting petrol in Bovey Straights on the way.  Got a sausage roll and some small doughnuts to eat on the way - but still ended up yawning and eating fruit pastilles.  Good journey until A404 junction then satnav and overhead gantries warned of long (40 min) delays so went off to the M40.  Lots of other people doing the same thing so lots of queues before I got to the M40 - not sure if I gained anything but at least I kept moving (just).  Got home at 4 and made a cup of tea.  Took Suki for a quick walk round Wendell.  Had Linda Mcartney veggie burgers for supper, with veg stir fry and microwave chips.  Burgers were like cardboard.  Went separately to choir practice so that I didn't have to go to the pub.  Came home and had hot drink and scotch and watched Wycliffe, although fell asleep before the end.

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