Sunday 16th November

Leanne's birthday.  Got up very early and had shower then put bedclothes in the washing and made up the bed with fresh sheets etc.  Took Suki to Parke for 40 mins and then went to bellringing, having put the towels etc in to the washing machine.  After ringing went back and put all the washing on the radiators, bleach down the drainholes and fixed the smoke alarm to the fitting on the door.  At least that had stuck successfully.  The shower pole had collapsed away from the ceiling when I put stuff on the shelves - the paint had come off!  Left it for next time.  Packed car and drove to Horsington and had superb carvery lunch with Jay.  Treated myself to a chocolate marscapone cheesecake for pudding although Jay was very good and didn't have one.  Suki yapped a lot and then pee'd on the carpet so presumably she was asking to go out - poor thing.  Got back to London at 4.30 - Mike out at committee meeting and Lorraine over at Carolyn's, so place to myself for a bit.  Got the washing on and unpacked everything, then opened my post including cards and a bottle of champagne from Carolyn which I put in the fridge.  Had a nice long chat with Mike when he got in, then watched War Horse on TV.  Drank the champagne with Mike and Lorraine had a glass too.  Had a reasonably early night with a hot drink but then chatted till midnight with Mike!

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