Thursday 13th November

Had a really good night's sleep - thank goodness.  Got up at 7.30 and had breakfast.  It was wet and windy outside - with very strong gusts.  Put on the waterproofs and had fun walking in the plantation in the rain and marching through all the puddles in my wellies.  Went on the perimeter path from the car park this time and then round the bottom and down the Templar Way, cutting across along the dissecting path just before the junction, which came out very close to the main path at the top so a really good route.  Got back and ordered a couple of things for Ollie and Leanne for their birthdays then went to post office and got some birthday cards.  Greengrocers had fresh supply of bakewell tarts so I stocked up!  Did computer stuff in the afternoon - uploading videos and photos etc and converting the recordings I did at the handbell rally from video to mp3. Took Suki out at 3 - it had stopped raining by then - and walked to Parke via the post office to post Ollie's card.  Having washed Suki's tennis balls yesterday I gave her one in the field, and by the time I had walked under the road she had dropped it in the foaming River Bovey where it was whisked away by the flooding waters! The river was very full and impressive - all the beaches have gone and there is lots of water which is running very fast.  I took a video of the beach where suki usually likes to play with sticks, and a couple of the weir which is a torrent and so different from the summer where it just trickles over on one side. Went to handbell practice in the evening.  I did the driving so am now officially a member of the team!  

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