Tuesday 28th October

Having set the alarm for 4.45 am I was awake at 4 am so got up and had a shower etc.  Put some washing on and put the bin and recycling out.  Jayne was up early too.  We left bang on time at 5.15 and had a trouble free journey to Heathrow, although we seemed to circumnavigate the airport to get to Terminal 4.  Parked in the short stay and went with Jayne to check in and then to departure gates, where we hugged and said goodbye quickly before we both started crying!  Found the car easily - but the M4 proved trickier, and I eventually got on to it via M25.  Not too bad a queue going in to London and I was home just before 7 am.  Put the other load of washing on and made breakfast, then washed up and cleaned out the shower trap.  Hung all the washing out as another lovely sunny warm day then took Suki to Acton park. When I got back made curried lentil, squash and spinach plus a cabbage soup.  Had to pop to Tesco to get more tinned tomatoes.  We finished off the lebanese stuff for lunch.  Mowed the lawn in the afternoon before taking Suki out again.  Had slight problem with my knee, especially when going upstairs.  Prepared paperwork for choir AGM and did email admin etc. Finally got rid of secretary job at the AGM - good feeling.  Susannah took it on.  Went straight home after and had glass of wine and went to bed.

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