Wednesday 12th November

Slept really badly so struggled to get up at 6.30.  Took Suki to Parke for an hour then went to Exeter for handbell peal attempt of 6xspliced.  Came to grief after an hour and forty minutes, but I rang ok and they seemed to trust me more to be in the right place.  Had soup and crumpets for lunch, then went to Bovey Valley Woods and did Walk 2 from Book 2 again.  It has been raining a lot over the last few days and nights, and it rained heavily as I drove to the car park.  But it was not windy and not cold and with all my waterproofs on it was great walking in the rain.  It stopped for about an hour in the middle of the walk.  I thought the rapids would be impressive with all the rain we had been having - and I was right.  They were amazing and thunderous, and easily equalled Becky Falls.  I was very glad I was wearing wellies as often had to wade through shin deep water. Suki got a thorn in her foot ploughing through the brambles to avoid some belted galloway cows on the path, but I managed to get it out.  Got home and watched recorded Waking the Dead - was going to do cross stitch again but Suki suddenly had a nervous fit and I had to give her a long cuddle.  So caught up blog instead. Had tuna,  cheese and beetroot for supper and finished off red wine watching inspector lynley.  Then went to bed with hot drink and a nytol to try and get good night's sleep.

Videos taken at the bottom of the rapids and the top of the rapids at the two bridges
The bottom of the rapids

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