Tuesday 25th November

Got up early to see Mike off to work. Lorraine went over to Carolyn's so had the day to myself. Culled my Christmas card list and prepared the labels.  Went to Westfield and got several Christmas presents. Went in to Waitrose to recce their party food for the Cantanti lunch and found they did food to order. Picked up a brochure. Perfect! Spent the afternoon wrapping presents. Pleased with progress. Went to meet mike for Chinese before choir and found it had closed down - shame as the food was good and it had been there for over 30 years. Shared cod and chips instead which was probably not a good idea as I smelt of fish and chips all night and the grease lay rather heavy on my stomach for singing. James announced that the new MD would be Hilary Cambell. Went straight home afterwards and took koppaberg too bed and watched Have I Got A Bit More News For You on iPlayer.

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