Friday 14 June

Woken at 4.30 by strange noise.  Probably frog in drain in road outside.  Couldn't get back to sleep.  Put enya on. Still awake 5.30.  Put angel clare on and that did it.  So of course deeply asleep at 7. However got up and was by the pool by 8 and in it by 8.30.  Just as well.  Had just finished my 50 lengths when large turkish man dived in and then swam about noisily.  Part of large wedding party who have been arriving all day and filling the place up.  All noisy and of course take all the attention of staff.  Put headphones on by pool today to try and shut them out.  Had a good day in the sun - it was hotter today.  Got quite a lot of cross stitch done too.  Came in just before 7 and had coffee then cooked myself veg pasta and finished off the dikmen, the garlic manjira,  the veg, the cherries and the turkish delight! 

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