Wednesday 12 June

Got up at 8 so took cup of tea down to the pool so as still to be out by 8.30 target.  Had 50 lengths swim then breakfast then lazy day by the pool.  Slow progress continued on cross stitch.  Also read over half of Stephen King book Dolores Claibourne. Clouds came over just before sun disappeared.  Had shower and went to shop to replenish breakfast supplies and then went into town to eat.  Walked right round again taking photos of new bits including new Dim Elit Hotel,  huge grey monstrosities attached to what was Swiss Hotel and a dreadful monstrosity of a delicatessen called gourmet garage.  Found the Mercan pizza restaurant relocated in road up from post box so went there and had lovely vegetarian pizza with mixed salad on the house to start.  Took a long time to drink the beer with it - felt dizziness was lurking but luckily it held off. Read my Stuart McBride book on my phone.  Also saw Kate in there and she came over to chat.  She had just paid deposit on new house near 5-a-side football pitch.  Came back and had coffee and liqueur and bought oriel a drink and sat and chatted with her till midnight.
The new Dim Elit Hotel
The hideous Gourmet Garage

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