Sunday 16 June

Didn't sleep too well.  Got up 6.45 and had breakfast.  Was on the sun bed doing simple cross stitch by 7.25. Sun came over the tree at 7.45.  Swam 50 lengths at 8.30.  Came in just before 10 and had a drink and went off to market. Bought lots of things as these are going to be the last lot of souvenirs I get as not planning on returning - at least not on my own on a regular basis.  Replenished stocks of cheese,  olives,  cherries and apricots.  Also another box of turkish delight!  Spent rest of day by pool cross stitching and reading.  Nice and quiet now turks have gone.  Just a couple of children left and the brits. They brought round tea and biscuits today about 5 pm. Finished Cold Granite by Stuart McBride. Started Stephen Booth one.  Washed towels etc through when I came in.  Had shower and went to West again.  Had delicious penne arrabiata.  Cherries came with apple this time so ate the lot.  Red wine comes in lovely huge glass like at home.  Had a preview wander round tat shop then back for gin and tonic and turkish delight before turning in for the night.

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