Sunday 30 June

THottest day of the year so far.  Got up at 6 had shower and walked suki up to collect car. Went to church in separate cars and I came straight home afterwards while Mike went ringing.  Had a nap!  Went off at 10.30 to putney vale. Met up with others at asda cafe.  John and Gill came by cab so we had a bit of a transport problem.  Carolyn hadn't slept all night so very tired and not up for much.  Ollie now talking very well and chatted to me quite a bit.  Got flowers from asda and did the usual with them.  John and Gill had to wait long time for cab and Gill very upset when they arrived at restaurant and had major strop.  Not very pleasant way to end the day.  Did church sitting in afternoon. Did another report on middx database. Watched first episode of Lewis with a beer in the evening. Went to bed at 10.30 and read book for half an hour.

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