Monday 17 June

Got up early again and was on the sun bed by 7.45 - just before the sun. Towels etc smelt lovely after being washed.  I always think how lovely my apartment balcony is. All the others are either in the shade in the morning or in the blazing sun but mine is in sun but shaded by bougainvillea.  Almost finished simple dolphin cross stitch but got too hot by 8.30.  So then went for swim.  Selcuk brought over a saucer of fresh strawberries for me.  I was only on length 2 at the time!  Did my 50 lengths and then enjoyed the strawberries sitting drying off in the sun.  One of the 4 got in pool as well but it was ok as she kept out of the way!  Went up for breakfast about 9.45. Bed change day again!  Very hot today and very windy.  Gave up doing fiddly cross stitch in afternoon as sweating much and wibd was knotting thread.  Finished off simple dolphin cross stitch and started on simple blue tit. Also started new Stuart McBride paperback Blind Eye. Resorted to headphones again to block out inane conversation of the 4. Listened to Bruce Springsteen album.  Then decided to move onto the other phase of project which is to listen to all recordings to make sure they are ok. Switched to artists and started on Andy Williams.  89 songs.  Found several where tracks jumped so worthwhile listening to them all. Hopefully I can replace the tracks with recordings of the same songs on other albums.  Went up about 6.45 and sat on balcony for a while drinking cold drinks.  Cooked pasta and pesto followed by cherries coffee and turkish delight.  Kept working on the gin until tonic and ice ran out!  Went to bed at 10.
My apartment
Sunbed(s) ready for action
Strawberries from Selcuk

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