Monday 24 June

Got up early and went out by the pool and swam 50 lengths etc.  Came in at 10 am and had shower, breakfast etc and did last bits of packing.  Borrowed the scales and did some moving around of stuff until I thought I was ok.  Paid Kamil - he mentioned that next year my apartment will be one of those which will not be self catering but will be 2-bedroomed with fridge and tea making facilities.  Sort of helped the intention not to come back!  Said goodbye to everyone and went to airport at 12.  Nice and early although still lots of queues.  Though I had done quite well to find a check-in with only one person in front of me - and when she was done they started dealing with someone who had got the wrong seats so had to wait for ages.  Didn't buy any duty free but went straight to departure gate and sat and read until time to board. Flew back on brand new Dreamliner Airbus 787 which was brilliant.  Touch screen on the back of each seat with a choice of films, TV, music, games, flight info etc.  Also usb socket and headphones socket.  Plane smelt new, seemed to have more leg room, and seemed more headroom too.  Very posh overhead lockers.  Demonstration life jacket bright yellow and sparkling new.  Underfloor lighting not obvious - presumably becomes obvious if lit.  Just have illuminated seat belt signs - ie no cigarette one.  No smoking signs on backs of all seats.  Good flight - I read my book the whole way and had coffee and a sandwich from trolley.  Two hours to get back from Gatwick so got in about 10 mins before time to leave for ringing. Suki jumped all over me and was very pleased to see me. Went to practice - quite well attended albeit by "learners".  Had sausage and mash in pub.

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