Saturday 20 July

Down to ring in second qp of the day -ladies band attempt of grandsire triples called by Gill to mark 101st anniversary of first ladies peal.  Struggled with the 4 and it fired out anyway so changed to the 2. Not quite so bad.  Lumpy with bad striking and eventually stood up thank goodness because bells had swapped and anyway ran out of time as another group booked in straight after our slot.  Had nice time cross stitching for the rest of the day.  Lovely pub for lunch.  Mike and I shared oven baked camembert. Bear festival at Brereton.  I acquired two homeless bears.  One was smaller version of original bear and the other had a lovely soft fur. They looked a bit grumpy when I first got them but cheered up a bit in the car.  Dinner was good in the evening but too tired to drink or eat much and went to bed at 10. Missed a reunion of old youth club friends in Ealing which was taking place tonight. 
In the car ready to go home
The new teddies

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