Wednesday 10 July

Got up 6.30 and went out before breakfast - just a cup of tea and banana.  Very hot again - 20 degrees in morning 29 degrees in afternoon.  Lovely on the moor at 7.30.  Sunny and warm with nice breeze.  Did small car park, contour round to back of black tor and up on to the summit.  Then over to tramway picking up yesterday's path.  Up tramway to quarry then along tramway back to car park.  One and a half hours.  Lots of livestock around especially ponies including lots of lovely foals.  Suki had to demonstrate bravery on many occasions.  Was particularly spooked by calf with herd of cows lying on path - had to encourage her round the side by clambering up rocks.  Had shower and porridge with blueberries for breakfast.  Then went to bank and greengrocer.  Spent small fortune on soft fruit.  Had bowl of cherries raspberries and grapes for lunch.  Sat in garden for a couple of hours.  Did lots of washing of pillows blankets and sleeping bags.  Cleared out bathroom linen cupboard. Went to parke and walked along the river then went to see Mary.  Sat in lounge - suki very calm.  Lay down most of the time and only very small amount of sotto voce growing at staff. Toyed with the idea of going to Lustleigh to ring but decided to stay in with glass of wine instead.  Had pasta and stir fry veg again. 

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