Saturday 27 July

Got up at 5.30 to see Jayne off. Stayed up and did washing cleaning and hoovering.  Washing machine died on first load (oh dear I shall have to buy a new one! !).  Had to take rest of washing home.  Walked in Stover for an hour on the way home.  Got to London at 1 o'clock and went out in garden intending to cut grass while washing was doing but ended up cutting things back and pulling up weeds.  Felt faint at 2 so ate toast until I felt better then had a sleep.  Felt even better after that but still lethargic.  Mike came in at 4 from running surprise Minor training.  He felt lethargic too.  Must be sultry weather.  Thunderstorms and heavy rain had suki crawling behind computer desk.  Did trip accounts and put photos and video on website.  Struggled to find best format as html 5 code very easy but requires modern browser and video file very big.  Used you tube in the end which worked well even on phone.  Had beer and went to bed at 10.30.

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