Got up at 6 to go walking on the moor before it got too hot. Did washing and had breakfast first. Walking by 7.45. Over saddle tor and hay tor, through the quarry where the foxgloves were looking lovely in the sun. There were lilies open on the water and saw a goldfish. Walked out along the route to hound tor then tried to find a route back along the valley again. Thought it would be easier as paths seemed better defined between ferns so tried the lower fork but nice wide path ended in a clearing with no obvious exit. Tried several but ended up as usual floundering around in bog and impenetrable undergrowth. Retraced steps and followed upper path l know goes through by going up to col to meet path from ribble tor. Difficult to follow in places because so overgrown with ferns. Eventually made it to path and went down again at end of tramway. Difficult to see path in places but did eventually get on the path which goes through enclosure back to car park. Map by gate emphasised that north area very boggy so will now accept there is no lower route and not try again. Did find some nice paths down to stream which are useful to know. Enjoyed the walk - a nice breeze on the tops. Getting hot by the time we got back to the car 3 hours later. Had another shower when I got home then went off to Exeter and rang qp of Norwich surprise royal. Better than last time although still a bit of a struggle. Went to sainsbury on the way home and stocked up with drinks. Sat in garden in afternoon. Also put bayeux cross stitch on frame, identified dmc colour numbers for blue tit and got poppies cross stitch ready to start. Loaded scanner to susie laptop and scanned charts for dolphin and blue tit successfully. Rowena took suki for two hour walk at 4. We had white magnum ice cream when she got back. Had my current favourite meal of pasta with stir fry veg. Watched some csi with glass of chilled rose wine. Tried to watch Midsomer murders at 9 but kept falling asleep so gave up at 10 and went to bed.
Foxgloves in the quarry |
Lillies in the quarry |