Thursday 25 July

Got up 6.45 and had shower.  Put recycling out and swept out back porch of cobwebs and dead bees.  Hung out washed cloths from yesterday's cleaning.  Did washing up and soaked some stuff in bleach.  Walked on the moor again in the morning.  Small car park down towards bovey then contour round to meet the road up to col and back along ridge.  Torrential rain overnight - regional news reported "firemen rushed to Bodmin to unblock a drain"!! Lovely sunny morning although some grey clouds occasionally.  Took suki back and went to Copper Kettle for brunch.  Had poached eggs on toasted muffin with bacon and lovely coffee.  Then went to trago and got storage jars, pens for Mary and rucksack for Mike. Also some bear ornaments for the garden.  Suki very funny with the bears.  Carried one around in her mouth and kept getting them out of the pots and bringing them in the house.  Sorted out threads for next cross stitch project and sewed round the edge with machine.  Helena came round and complained about the trees.  I said I would get them pruned and a report on state of roots re her foundations.  She said she was scared of suki.  Jayne and I sat in garden in hot sunshine for an hour with cider and crisps.  Also had white magnum each. Went to Cromwell arms for dinner.  Took suki.  Disappointed with salmon as full of bones and had to pick the capers out but otherwise very tasty.  Left just before live music started.  Watched csi when we got back and finished off wine.  Dragonflies still not lighting up! Got a better photo of other lights.  Barry's mum died.
The new solar lights in the garden
Me and Suki on the moor

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