Friday 11 July
Bit the bullet today and went to Carphone Warehouse to upgrade my phone. Had dithered about whether to simply reduce my monthly bill but in the end decided to go ahead with another two year contract. Couldn't believe how long it took to complete the transaction - I was in there for two hours, having picked the Galaxy S5 within about 5 mins of getting there! I was very reluctant at first to trade in the old one - I couldn't bear to be parted from it - but after two hours I had got a bit more used to the idea and it seemed silly to refuse the £181 being offered. It may take up to 5 days to get the number transferred to the new sim. Then went and had a fringe trim - tried Rush on Chiswick High Road and they made a good job of it. Spent £5 on the trim and £35 on shampoo and conditioner! Impressed with sales assistant who recommended various Kerastase products and how to use them. Then went to Sainsbury's and bought the baby stuff for when Amanda comes. Finally got home about 3 - grabbed some pate on toast and then took Suki out. Played with the phone for a while before going out ringing - arranging apps on pages and removing those I didn't want and updating the apps etc. Certainly very fast. Now have a spare cable, plug and headphones too which is a bonus. Went over to Barnes with Mike but saw Patricia as we were parking so went for a coffee with her while they were ringing the QP and picked up a couple of back rests which I am going to try out for handbell peals to see if they ease the backache. Did quite a bit of ringing at the practice and then went to the pub and had nachos - seemed to be the bigger portion size again so Eddie helped me out.