Saturday 26th July

Decided to spend some time with Mike before dashing off to Devon, so we had some breakfast and then took the handcycle and Suki to Richmond Park.  Very hot sunny day so  immense amount of lycra on display.  The place was heaving with cyclists.  Mike did a couple of circuits while Suki and I walked along by Beverly Brook with me throwing the ball in the water for her.  Had Camembert for lunch which John and Ionie had brought back from Paris - very good - with some toast.  Mike had a shower and I patched him up.  Then helped him grease the cranks on the handbike before setting off for Devon around 3.30 pm.  Girls had gone over to Carolyn's for the day.  Got to Devon at 6.40 just after Jayne had got in.  I had set the tripometer at the petrol station on the Chiswick Roundabout, and it showed exactly 200 miles when I parked on the drive.  We had a cup of tea and a chat and then went down to Party in the Park at Mill Marsh Park.  Had a lovely pork roll from the hog roast and a pint of beer / lager from the bar tent then settled down on the grass to listen to the music.  Loads of people there - especially children - with a fun fair on the side.  Got a bit cold in the evening but stayed until just after 10 pm.  Good fun and made a nice change.  Very tired when we got back and went to bed with Ovaltine.  Was going to make a start on the huge amount of washing I had brought down with me - but there was no Lenor so happy to leave it for another day.

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