Sunday 27 July

Had a good night's sleep. Got up at 7.15 and had a shower - left my teeth as no toothpaste! Took Suki to Parke for a walk and then came back for a cup of tea before going up to ringing.  Tim turned up (he had taken Guy to the station for 9 am and heard us ringing up).  10 ringers there in all as Peter also there, although Lisa was missing (it's her birthday).  Apparently there is also a new ringer called Bobby.  Stayed to the service with Rosemary but went straight home afterwards rather than having coffee because of Suki.  Just wondering what to do for lunch when Margaret came to the door and suggested going out for lunch.  So we went to Pink's Place and had a really good 3 course lunch with coffee for £11.  Got some Lenor and toothpaste on the way back and put my first load of washing on.  Attached my new USB extension leads to the computer (HUGE hairy spider behind computer desk)! Took Suki for a quick walk up to the quarry and round over Hay Tor from the bottom car park then went to see Mary.  Got back after Jayne and we had hot cross buns for supper and a glass or two of wine.  Watched a couple of Miranda DVDs (finished the first season). Went to bed early ready for early start tomorrow.

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