Tuesday 22nd

Having slept badly woke up late at 8 am. Made some porridge for breakfast which John enjoyed as well. Went to Splashworld with Ollie.  Braved the white slide a few times - including first thing before we had got properly wet which was a bit of a shock - and I finally worked out that if I covered my face at the bottom I wouldn't get water forced up my nose at a furious rate.  Leanne called time after 2 hours but it was quite a struggle to get Ollie out.  Showers were too hot for him.  Had a coffee afterwards but still not feeling like eating much - which is good so trying to capitalise on it.  Very difficult to work out where it is possible to access Internet via mobile signal on site.  It seems to be in odd spots around the place - so difficult to update Myfitnesspal.    We all went and sat around the chalet in the sunshine (or shade) while Ollie had a sleepy.  I went for a wander and bought myself some flip flops and a scrunchie and wrote some postcards.   When Ollie woke up we went and spent some time in the Pavilion on the amusements and play area.  Went to Papa John for pizza in the evening.  Delicious.  Somebody's mobile phone exploded into flames on a neighbouring table which brought all conversation in the restaurant to a halt for a while.  Went back to chalet for an early night and had glass of wine watching crimewatch and then took ovaltine to bed and managed to fall straight asleep.

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